Take note

ESS and SKB agreement on radioactive waste disposal
Agreement with SKB.
The European Spallation Source (ESS) and the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management company (Svensk Kärnbränslehantering, SKB) have signed an agreement regarding the disposal of radioactive materials generated during operations.
Latest news at ESS

ESS Data Management and Software Centre Opens in Copenhagen
DMSC Office Opening The European Spallation Source celebrates the opening of the ESS Data Management and Software Centre (DMSC) offices in Copenhagen with more than 90...

Swedish Foreign and Deputy Prime Ministers with the Swedish Diplomatic Corps Updated on ESS Construction Progress
Lund. The Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström together with Minister for International Development and Climate, Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lövin led a delegation of...

ESS Joins the ScienceLink Network
ESS Network. The European Spallation Source (ESS) recently joined the ScienceLink Network, a spearhead industrial research initiative of the Baltic Sea Region.

ESS Appoints Next Director General
Management. A prominent figure in European research facilities, John Womersley will take over the high-profile project at an important time.
ESS Around the World: Partners in Neutron Science

First Plasma is Generated in the ESS Ion Source
Ion source. A first test of the ESS ion source in Italy delivers promising results to advance the ESS project.

The United Kingdom Confirmed as Member of European Spallation Source
ESS Membership. The United Kingdom has joined the project as a full member following a unanimous decision by the ESS Council.

Beamline Tests Show Progress in Detector Development
Detector Development. The ESS suite of instruments will require state-of-the-art neutron detectors with extended performance to fully utilise the source beam. Through the European-...

IKON10: 2016 Anticipated to be a Watershed Year for Instrument Projects
IKON10. The semi-annual IKON meeting has become the forum for ESS and its in-kind partners to make a clear assessment of instrument construction progress. The focus of February’s...
Spotlight on Science

New Drug Carrier Delivers Cancer Medication with Better Control
Anti-Cancer Drug Carrier. Research published in Nature combining neutron scattering with other techniques strengthens understanding of the delivery of cancer drugs.

The Intensity Frontier: Developing World Class Detectors Using Boron
Detectors for ESS. The first attempts to use boron-10 for neutron detection were made in the 1970s. Due to the high neutron flux expected at ESS and the economics of the helium-3...

Revealing Change Over Time, FREIA Brings Fast Kinetic Studies to Reflectometry
Fast Reflectometer for Extended Interfacial Analysis. Researchers from the European Spallation Source and Denmark refine reflectometry concepts for fast kinetic studies of thin...

Neutrons Unlock the Hidden-Order State of Frustrated Magnets
Magnetism. Over the last 60 years neutron scattering has provided the breakthroughs necessary to understand the atomic-level ordering of magnetic materials. The latest discovery of...